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How Casino Security Works

The large sums of money that are present in casinos seem to tempt people into cheating, stealing and scamming their way into the jackpot. This is why casino security invests a great amount of money, time and effort.

Casino security starts on the gaming floor of the casino, where casino employees keep a watchful eye on the games and the casino players to make sure the whole thing goes as it should. Dealers are very focused on their game, and are well trained to easily spot obvious tricks like palming, switching cards or dice and marking. The pit bosses and table managers keep an eye over the table games with a broader perspective, to make sure casino patrons aren’t pilfering from each other and watch out for betting patterns that signals cheating. Each person in the casino also has another person keeping track of them, keeping an eye on them as they work and taking note of how much money their tables are winning or losing.

High-tech surveillance systems allow casino security personnel to watch the entire casino. The cameras are located in the ceiling to watch every table, doorway and change window. The camera can be adjusted to focus on suspicious casino guest by security people working on separate room filled with security monitors.

All the video feeds are recorded, so when a crime or cheating is detected after the incident, casino security can re-examine the tapes and determine the perpetrator. Since slot machine payouts are determined by computer chips in the machine, no casino security is assigned to watch the slot.

Since people are creatures of habit, casino security uses a more delicate facet of detecting abnormalities through routines and patterns of casino games. The way cards are shuffled and dealt by the dealers, the betting spot locations on the table and the expected reactions and reactions of the casino guests follow definite patterns. When somebody does a little out of the ordinary, it’s a lot easier for casino security to spot it because of the patterns.

Here are a number of tips on written or unwritten casino rules that will keep you on casino security’s best side:

Do not touch any game equipment or paraphernalia i.e., cards or dice with both hands. Attempt to avoid touching things, if at all possible. But if you need to, such as a blackjack where cards are dealt face down, or at craps table, try to use one hand only. Always keep your hand along with the gaming paraphernalia e.g. cards, dice above the table and in plain view of the dealer at all times.

If you’re not busy playing a game, it’s alright to watch another player, but never disturb other casino patron.

Don’t touch your chips once you’ve laid your wager, and don’t get your winnings until everybody’s wager have been paid up

This article was written by Alexis.


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