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Online Casino Gambling In Europe And The Differing Jurisdictional Legislations

The internet has enabled a lot of activities, one of them being online casino gambling. There is truth in the fact that the world is now a little village. Everything though, comes with a challenge and even though online casino gambling is a reality; there comes the challenge of international laws and conflicts of laws governing online gambling.

The conflict as to whom certain laws apply to has brought a lot of confusion among lovers of gambling. The fact that each jurisdiction has its laws that govern online casino gambling does not make the situation any better for the lovers of online gambling. It is true that you cannot gamble with any Tom Dick and Harry you find online.

It is the opinion of many a legal expert that the laws should change to fit into the current culture of online casino gambling and not the other way around. In a situation whereby there laws governing online gambling are the same as those used before the introduction of online gambling, there is bound to be a confusion and disaster. Certain loopholes brought about by the internet have to be sealed to protect all the lovers of gambling and although this is what the European countries have tried to do, there are still a lot of conflicts and loopholes.

In the current situation, it is not strange to find certain online casino gambling laws of the EU countries that are in complete conflict with each other. The EU laws have brought people from different cultures into the EU and there is bound to be a difficulty in the interpretation of the laws according to the expectations of all the parties concerned.

In such a situation where all the parties are trying to gain, there is bound to be a lot of conflict and no one will be completely satisfied. One of the conflicts that the EU has brought is the restriction of all the parties from banning non-EU providers from providing online casino gambling in their own countries. However, this goes against the sovereignty of a state which has the freedom to legislate on certain matters that touch on its own interests. What about local monopoly of casino gambling? Shouldn’t a state have the right to give its residents monopoly over the online gambling markets? Why the ECJ (European court of justice) wants to give more privilege to non-EU members is beyond many people.

It is a conflicting situation for all the stakeholders in online casino gambling. Operators have been known to accept bets from players in all the EU countries, even when it is forbidden by the local laws of the concerned countries thanks to the EU laws. The status quo changes when the situations change, for example when their licenses need to be renewed. This is because this is the point where the specific territorial laws come into play and the operators are bound to lose. It is as this point that online casino gambling will regulate bids into their system.

This article was written by Alexis.

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