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Planning a great family vacation!

Planning the perfect vacation to appeal to all family members and their individual interests can be a daunting proposition, especially if your family consists of different age groups. So to make everyone happy and ensure that they all have a good time, you need to select places that have something to offer for every possible age group and taste. While planning a family vacation to appeal to all age groups, you have to consider conveniences like baby sitters, a quiet and calm place to stay, access to public transport for the elderly and proximity to good restaurants to satisfy all food preferences.

A family vacation should ideally be memorable, comfortable and educative too. So plan to include some interesting nature walks, trekking or a similar outdoor activity like fishing, etc where different generations can bond with each other and make for a truly enriching and memorable trip.

In the US, Disneyland and Las Vegas are obvious choices and however clichéd they may sound, they have become clichés for a reason. One cannot overstate the entertainment options for all ages available at Disneyland and there are even villas very close to Disneyland where people can experience community living, and are available for monthly rentals, hard as it may be to believe. As far Vegas, not many people know that more people come to Vegas for bargain shopping and not for gambling, according to one study. Places rich in culture and museums and zoological parks with special species can appeal to people of all ages.

So cities like Philadelphia, Boston, Washington D.C. and New York are perennial favorites for most folks as they offer all of the aforesaid attractions. Such a trip can bring to life the history and life sciences the children learn in school. Of course you have to consider the economics and the seasons before planning such a trip. So choose a time that will offer off-season rates and select a place you can comfortably visit during such times. It is no fun going off on a family vacation and being snowed in or rained out.

When it comes to vacation spots in Europe some obvious choices are London and Paris. They are both rich in history, have all the modern conveniences for food and transport, offer great museums and historical tours and have something for everyone. Of course both places have extensive shopping options, though no one can dream of getting a bargain there. Their museums and palaces and other places of interest cannot be over emphasized. So both the places offer immense value as a family vacation destination.

Of course both places are also notorious for their capricious weather so one has to pick their time of visit carefully. The Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, the Louvre Museum, the Champs Elysees and the London maze are experiences to be treasured for a lifetime and cannot be found anywhere else. So consider the options available to suit your budget and pack your bags for a fun filled family vacation.

This article was written by Caroline.

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