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Some types of Bridge card games

Bridge has always remained on the top of popularity charts among card game lovers. There are many types of bridge card games and one of the very famous ones is the Contract bridge. In fact many newspapers and magazines around the world have bridge card games in them. This is not all, bridge competitions are also well known and held across the globe with many people fighting to earn the ‘Bridge Master’ awards and under the games category this happens to be the second most famous after poker.

Bridge basically is a card game that is played with the standard pack of fifty two cards. It requires any number more than two players. It is a pretty complex game that involves more of skill and less of luck. The game is meant for those who are sharp and articulate. It is as many other card games a great source of entertainment. You can play this game either at casinos and clubs or even at home with friends or family.

The bridge game has equally popular variations with varying rules. Rubber bridge, Chicago bridge, duplicate bridge and honeymoon bride are some of them. The first is a basic type of contract bridge and can be played by four players. Mostly casual bridge at social gatherings follows this variety of bridge. It is of course also famous at clubs and played there for real money!

The second, Chicago bridge is again played by four players and is completed too in four deals. The duplicate bridge is a bridge game that is usually played in clubs, competitions and matches. It again follows the basic principle but in this game the risk element is very little. The deals are the same and are repeated by different sets of combinations for all players. This kind of bridge is played by a minimum of eight players. Among these various bridge card games the one important difference is the scoring.

Yet another type of bridge game is the honeymoon bridge that involves two players and hence it gets its name. The preference of the players has a lot to do with the type of bridge game selected, as all of them have varying rules and scoring points. Different kinds of people enjoy different varieties of bridge.

There are in fact many bridge competitions and conventions where there is more than one method of bridge being played. It all depends on the players taste and risk involved if money is at stake. There are a huge variety of bridge card games, one such not mentioned above is the auction bridge game.

All these games follow some basic rules with minimum four member participation, fifty two cards and a two against two partnerships. All cards are placed facing downwards and dealt in clockwise direction. When the game begins the objective is to win tricks that consist of a card each from every player. It is indeed very exciting and every variation of the game adds something interesting to the basic game and this makes it all the more popular!

This article was written by Rupal.

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