Online bingo games utilize a concept known as Bingo Cards which have become very popular in terms of their usage. It is now impossible to imagine Bingo without these cards which are classified in terms of country, occasion and type of material used. It is important to pay attention to the layout and character set used which differs from country to country and hence to play bingo using these cards, one must know the different types of bingo cards in terms of country, occasion and type.
There are 2 versions as per the differences provided country wise. One is the US style card available for playing casino games at USA. These cards are build on a layout of 5 by 5 squares with columns are marked as word BINGO and remaining spots to have number between 1 and 75. Similarly UK Bingo cards are housie cards and they have different layout based on 3×9 structures of rows and columns respectively. Every spot is marked with number. Thus, to play online bingo games using these cards needs this knowledge to adjust the strategy as per countries style.
As we know that to play bingo, these cards are necessary and hence these are also categorized in terms of occasion and usage. ESL Bingo cards are a special set of bingo cards that are used more often to participate in casino games offered by Bingo. These are mostly used for education purpose to help build the vocabulary and popularly known as “English as a second language”. These cards are made from paper or cardboard and also plastic shutter cards are used to reduce the costs. It is imperative that these cards are costly but they reduce the cost as there is no need to buy additional cards to play online bingo games. ESL cards contain many types like pictures of animals, combination of words and personalities etc. These cards also comes in 3×3 easy and 4×4 hard format and can be easily printed and formatted to generate new cards to play casino games.
Some of the types of ESL bingo cards include Sea Animals in 3 by 3 and 4 by 4 format, School supplies etc. There is another set of bingo cards known as Christmas Bingo cards which are used specially in Christmas. They are available and can be printed through many web sites card generator tool in format of 5×6 to utilize them while playing casino games. This software has menus to make customized Christmas bingo cards. Few software have more than 400 activities to get you started and win more online bingo games played through Christmas bingo cards.
There are some additional varieties of card also available like Holiday bingo cards to be utilized in other sections of casino games. To play bingo with these cards, does not require any specific training and can be easily utilized to play games in a safer funnier way and relax and get pampered with these cards.
This article was written by Rupal.
Tags: Bingo, bingo cards, Bingo Variations, online bingo, online bingo games