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Discuss dice cups and their origin

Both old and young enjoy it and it is more than just a toll which governs the games with its different facets of numbers and at the same time does not mind declaring the winner as Dice, perhaps the most important element of the game. Though it is the life of the game but it always miss the attention of the players.

Before the actual loaded dice came into being and place, numerous other things like fruits, stones and even nuts were used as dice cup and not only this, the Romans and the Greeks even had bones for playing loaded dice games. Though many believe that dice cup is as old as 2000 years, but actually it was invented around 6000 years ago.

In the initial days, the throwing of this dice had different dimensions and people even used to attach deities and supernatural powers to change the outcome of this game. it is supposed to be believed that Romans were the earliest users and players of this game which later got transferred to the Europeans, French and Chinese.

The varieties of loaded dice games are just many. Like the standard dice cup is the one, which is made up of woods, stone, glass and plastic. The indentation of the loaded dice is such that its sides are very much lighter and that is why it always favors high numbers.

Crooked dice is made according to its name. These are cooked in such a way that the odds always assist the one who is fraudulent. Elements like gold, platinum and lead are added as adulterant for making it heavier. This extra weight, which it derives, always acts as preventive measures against this crooked dice.

Then there is the Tapping dice, which functions by changing its own weight distribution just within the dice. The loaded dice is either composed of a wire or a mercury chamber or provided with a weight that keeps on retching up & down the wire.

It is not about the dices only, but there are many ways of throwing the dices and staging the sets also, which the player should know before he plays this game.

Depending on the types of dice, there are numerous dice games. One of the most famous is the chuck a luck game where the dice is put in the hour glass and it looks like a cage. The cage keeps on turning up and down and the dice keeps on falling on the table once the bets are placed. The combination of the numbers determines the winner.

Next is the over & under seven game which makes use of two loaded dices. The player bets over the outcome that it will either be seven, less than that or more than that. Just depending on this, the strategies differ.

The Grand Hazard makes use of three loaded dices. The bets are generally made on the forecasts as to whether the total would be less than 10, equal to 10, less than 11, or equal to 11.

In addition to these, there are many dice cup games, which include a huge money making business.

This article was written by Rupal.

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