Every authentic product seems to have a cheaper version from the Far East and Louis Vuitton bags have not been spared. The lovers of authentic fashion have this worry and although you can use the pricing as a means of checking for authenticity, the poor quality bag vendors may pass their bags off for the real thing by multiplying the price just to make you think it is a Louis Vuitton bag.
Vendors of Louis Vuitton bags will tell you of how hard it is to get the authentic bags in their stocks, no wonder the high retail price. You can protect yourself by buying the bags from an outlet that is recognized by the brand itself. So if you are planning to buy a Louis Vuitton bag from any of the outlets in a certain city, make sure it is recognized by the brand itself.
In the absence of such information, you can use your senses to spot the genuine Louis Vuitton bags from others. The genuine Louis Vuitton bag has a smell to it, a smell of genuine leather. The surface of genuine leather is not shiny and you can use this as one of the ways of spotting real from fake leather. If you are not sure if the leather is real, look for the product code of the bag. This code is inside the interior pockets of the bag. The absence of this code will tell you that this is a fake.
We have to appreciate that the manufacturers of the fake Louis Vuitton bags may go as far as getting the codes of the bags right. Still, there has to be a place they will not get right. Here is what you need to look for in the codes. The codes are written on a small piece of leather and are either two or four numbers. genuine codes start with the letters A,B,C,D,E,M,N,R,S,Tand V to differentiate the place of manufacture. These bags are made in France US, Spain Germany and Italy.
If you are a follower of the latest fashion trends, you will know if the Louis Vuitton bags in your vendor’s shop are genuine or not. This is because the manufacturers of the bags make them according to the new fashion design trends of the moment. From the codes in the bags, you will know the place, the month and the year of production. These details will reveal to you if the bag is the real thing or not. The code in the bag contains numbers, all which represent the month and year. If a numerical code is 0526, you will know that the bag was made in the 52nd week of the year 2006. Checking with the trends during that time will tell you if the bag was genuine or not.
A Louis Vuitton bag is made by hand, and will not have any missing stitches or hanging threads. The linings of the bags are made from authentic material and so are the accessories in the Louis Vuitton bags.
This article was written by Alexis.
Tags: louis vuitton, louis vuitton bags, Luxuries