“You are fired!”: Well, don’t worry. This is the signature line, which was made popular by the world famous TV show, “The Apprentice”. It was hosted by the ultimate business tycoon, Donald Trump. Originally started in United States, the first season of this reality show was aired in 2004. It was a real smash hit [...]
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CasinoColumn.com is where you can catch your breath and read interesting and fresh casino related articles as well as other articles about what makes life good.
Buying a luxury home in Monaco
August 17th, 2010Everyone knows that Monaco is one of the most breathtaking locations of Europe but not a lot of people are aware of the fact that it is also one of the best places to live in. The people who are fortunate enough to reside here have the best of both worlds in the true sense [...]
Written by Rupal.
Planning a family vacation to Paris
August 13th, 2010If you are looking for a perfect Family Vacation trip in Europe, then Paris is undoubtedly the best choice of location to spend the holidays. Starting from all major attractions to each street of this place, everything is finely decorated and simply breathtaking. The place offers plenty of enthralling attractions. Whether, it is the world [...]
Written by Rupal.
Planning a family vacation to India
August 12th, 2010If you are in the process of planning a family vacation and are hunting for a destination which can offer you a memorable time, then India is the place you should consider. This is one of the very few countries which can offer you a great variety of cultures, languages, food and locations. You must [...]
Written by Rupal.
Planning a family vacation to Disneyland
August 11th, 2010The one place that every child wants to visit before he grows up is Disneyland. The fixation and obsession that young children have with cartoons and characters like Mickey Mouse, Cinderella and Hannah Montana can be satiated only when you take them to this wonder world. Most parents are hesitant in planning a family vacation [...]
Written by Rupal.
Romantic Dinners – an Integral part of Love
August 9th, 2010Love is an ultimate feeling one can feel in his life and it is very difficult sometimes to express these precious feeling just in words. Mostly people don’t understand how and in what way they should express their love to their partners. But frankly speaking if you really want to impress your partner with [...]
Written by Rupal.
Romantic Dinner: The Recipes that keep you together forever!!
August 7th, 2010The recipes that ‘am going to disclose are easiest and the tastiest of all that brings couple together to a life long bonding. Though this Romantic Dinner is mainly chosen keeping in mind the taste of women but men can not even forget its lingering taste. The tip is- better get it prepared well before [...]
Written by Rupal.
Ways to improvise your love- Romantic Dinners
August 1st, 2010Romance is the essence of life. Without sprinkles of love and romance our life becomes dull and lifeless. So it is important for all of us to be little romantic. So we should devote a complete day once in a while with our loved one. We should take a day off from work and spend [...]
Written by Rupal.
Ideas to hosting a romantic dinner for your spouse
July 30th, 2010A romantic dinner at home for your spouse does not require any special occasion. Neither one has to be an expert cook. This would be a wonderful way of gesturing and showing love for your spouse. It does not matter the host is a man or a woman, the dinner party should be organized in [...]
Written by Rupal.
Feast Yourself with Some Belgian Chocolate
July 29th, 2010Chocolates are always a special gift to your loved ones especially when it comes to any special and unique occasion. Whether it may be a 1st birthday party or marriage ceremony, a blind date or to satisfy your greedy mouth, chocolates always serve to be a vital and loving gift.
Nothing flavors your mouth better [...]
Written by Rupal.